7 Ways the Master Slide Decks Accelerate Action

(This is an updated version of the Sept. 21, 2022 blog, to reflect new features of the subscription.)

In March, UN Secretary-General António Guterres made these blunt comments about the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report: “Humanity is on thin ice and that ice is melting fast. This report is a clarion call to massively fast track climate efforts by every country, by every sector, and on every time frame. In short, our world needs climate action on all fronts – everything, everywhere, all at once.” There are seven ways the Master Slide Decks accelerate action on climate change and other hot sustainability issues.

What are the Master Slide Decks?

The six slide decks are a goldmine of over 900 slides with topical insights on key sustainability issues in the business community. These are the topics covered in the six decks.

  1. Sustainability Context: Explanation of sustainability terminology, and the need for action on environmental, social and economic issues.
  2. Sustainability Frameworks: Comparison of various sustainability reporting and disclosure frameworks, and an overview of the free, open-source Basic Sustainability Assessment Tool (BSAT) for small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). The frameworks provide a baseline for action.
  3. Sustainability Business Cases: How to justify projects / actions that improve sustainability impacts, using proven CFO-friendly cost-benefit analysis approach.
  4. Leading Change: Timeless leadership tips for sustainability change agents.
  5. Climate Crisis: History of climate warnings and inaction; sources of greenhouse gases (GHGs); and dire projections. They drive a sense of urgency, and encourage collaborative action with like-minded organizations.
  6. Sustainable Procurement: The what, why, and how of Sustainable Procurement and Net-Zero Procurement. They explain how to use procurement as a market force to accelerate GHG reductions in all supply chains, everywhere, all at once.

How the Master Slide Decks accelerate action

I’m often asked which of my many tools and resources are the most valuable for proactive sustainability champions. The answer is easy: my Master Slide Decks. These five enabling benefits have been enjoyed by subscribers for years.

  1. Instant presentations: As a quick and easy way to build your own slide decksfor presentations on sustainability-related topics. We can’t afford to have sustainability champions wasting time researching the above topics and recreating slides about them from scratch. The decks are ready-to-use. Subscribers are encouraged to plagiarize like crazy. That is their main purpose, and why the slides are provided in .pptx format under the most liberal Creative Commons license.
  2. Learning resources: As learning resources for academic courses. Subscribing teachers / professors are encouraged to use the slides in their presentations, upload their copy of the decks to the database of student resource materials, and/or require that students use the slides as resources in assignments. The footnotes on slides direct users to sources of additional information. They are an encyclopedia of sustainability knowledge.
  3. Book summaries: As Coles Notes / Cliffs Notes of the key points in my six books and two whitepapersThe slides summarize their highlights and include many cases / examples that they reference. Together with the Excel tools associated with some books, they are excellent alternatives to the books themselves. No time to read the books? Read the slides.
  4. Overview of free tools: As a window into over a dozen of my related resources. These off-the-shelf, freely-downloadable, open-source resources avoid sustainability champions wasting precious time recreating a complete set of tools for their toolbox.  
  5. Credibility support: As a way to stay current and credible on hot topics. The seventh “What’s New” deck included in subscribers’ quarterly updates includes slide-based summaries of the latest articles and reports about a variety of sustainability-related topics. Some slides may trigger a “What do you think …” conversation with colleagues and senior managementabout the relevance of this new information to their organization. They position subscribers as being on top of the latest news.

Two new benefits

This month, I am adding two more benefits that make the Master Slide Decks an essential sustainability champion resource.

  • Quarterly “Ask me anything” webinars: Subscribers can now join quarterly “Ask me anything” Zoom sessions with me, to help subscribers exploit the decks and my resources to their fullest. The calls will coincide with the four quarterly updates to the decks. They will be announced in the emails that are sent to all subscribers alerting them to the availability of the updated decks.
  • Micro courses: The six decks can now be used as self-study micro courses on each topic. Each deck now includes seven up-front learning prompts to facilitate their use as guided tutorials on the topic covered in each deck. This is an extension of the “learning resource” benefit described above.

I am also enabling payment by credit card as well as by PayPal, since PayPal does not work well for subscribers in some countries.

New subscription price

For the last 10 years, the annual subscription fee for the decks has been $39 CAD. They started as a single deck of 150 slides updated annually, and have grown to six decks with over 900 slides updated quarterly. Last year, I converted them all into a brighter, widescreen template and a more consistent font. I pruned some, added others, updated many, and reformatted them all. They were good before. The new / improved decks are reallygood now.  

(Here comes the shameless promotion ….) Subscribers have been telling me for years that the subscription fee is way underpriced. To account for the value of the new quarterly “Ask me anything” calls, the above benefits of the hundreds of slides that have been added and updated over the past ten years, and to better support the ongoing maintenance, enhancement and curation of the decks and related free tools, the annual subscription fee will be $79 CAD for new subscribers, effective September 30. Current subscribers, and anyone else subscribing before September 30, will continue to enjoy the $39 annual subscription fee.

Given their value outlined above, the decks are still the bargain of the century for action-oriented sustainability champions. Try them out. Subscribe for a year and you’ll see why the Master Slide Decks are an essential resource for sustainability champions who want to scale their confidence and competence, and accelerate their influence and action. Time’s a-wasting.

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