What are the “Master Slide Decks”?

The six slide decks are a goldmine of over 900 slides with topical insights and context about progress on sustainability in the business community. Every quarter, Bob adds new slides to the decks, updates others and prunes redundant or outdated slides.  Subscribers are alerted to quarterly updates to the decks, so that they can stay current on the sustainability topics covered in the decks.

Recent enhancements

  1. Subscribers can now join quarterly “Ask me anything” Zoom sessions with Bob, to help subscribers exploit the decks to their fullest. The calls will coincide with the four quarterly updates to the decks. They will be announced in the emails that are sent to all subscribers to alert them to the availability of the updated decks.
  2. The six decks can now be used as self-study micro courses on each topic. Each deck now includes seven up-front learning prompts to facilitate their use as guided tutorials on the topic covered in the deck.
  3. Since PayPal does not work well for subscribers in some countries, subscribers will now be able to use their credit card or PayPal when they sign up or renew.

Potential uses of the Master Slide Decks

  1. As a quick and easy way to build your own slide decks for presentations on sustainability-related topics. That is their main purpose, and why the ready-to-use slides are provided in .pptx format. Plagiarize like crazy. ☺
  2. As micro-courses / tutorials / refreshers on key aspects of sustainability that are of interest. Use the slides’ footnotes to further explore source documents of interest.
  3. As learning resources for courses. Subscribing teachers are encouraged to use the slides in their presentations, upload the decks to the database of student materials, and/or require that students use the slides as resources in assignments.
  4. As Coles Notes / Cliffs Notes of the key points in Bob’s six books and two whitepapers.
  5. As an overview of over a dozen free, open-source tools downloadable from
  6. As a way to stay current and credible on hot topics. The “What’s New” deck in subscribers’ quarterly updates includes slide-summaries the latest articles and reports about a variety of sustainability-related topics.
  7. As conversation starters with senior management. Share a subset of the slides with them with a “What do you think …?” invitation, and follow up with a meeting to discuss the relevance to their organization.

The six Master Slide Decks

  • Master – Sustainability Context (~ 125 slides)
    Topics: Terminology; Value of the environmental nest;
    GDP growth ≠ Wellbeing growth;
    Income and wealth injustices; Tax injustices;
    Case for a green economy;
    Business sustainability coalitions.
  • Master – Sustainability Frameworks (~ 150 slides)
    Topics: Sustainability reporting status;
    Popular sustainability reporting frameworks;
    Business model frameworks
  • Master – Sustainability Business Cases (~ 350 slides)
    Topics: Generic business case for sustainability; Global-level business case;
    Company-level business case; Project-level business case;
    Purpose fulfillment; Revenue opportunities;
    Expense savings opportunities;
    Employee-related benefits; Access to capital;
    Risks of inaction; Drivers and inhibitors; Call to action.
  • Master – Leading Change (~ 100 slides)
    Topics: 7-Step change model;
    7 Leadership practices;
    7 Leadership paradoxes;
    7 Derailers;
    Leadership attributes and styles;
    Handling objections.
  • Master – Climate Crisis (~ 200 slides)
    Topics: Sources of GHGs;
    Projections, predictions and possibilities;
    Carbon budget; Perverse subsidies;
    Chronology of warnings;
    Actions by business and governments.
  • Master – Sustainable Procurement (~150 slides)
    Topics: What, why and how of Sustainable Procurement (SP);
    What, why and how of Net-Zero Procurement (NZP);
    Comparison of SP Toolkit and NZP Toolkit;
    Status of NZP;
    Support organizations.

How to subscribe

A $49 annual subscription fee entitles you to the latest versions of all six slide decks, plus quarterly updates to them. Subscribers are alerted to the availability of new versions in March, June, September, and December. They can login through the Subscriber Information section in the black footer bar at the bottom of any page on this website to access the “Download Master Slide Decks” page at any time. Only subscribers can access those resources.

Subscribe for a year and you’ll see why Bob considers a subscription to his Master Slide Decks as his most valuable resource for sustainability champions. Most subscribers treat the subscription fee as a business expense. Also, some people subscribe as a crowdfunding-like way to support Bob’s ongoing efforts to develop and deploy useful resources for sustainability champions – they consider their resulting right to access the latest versions of the slide decks as their “return” on their investment. Further, a subscription indirectly supports worthy causes, since Bob donates at least 25% of Sustainability Advantage’s annual profit to sustainability champions―registered charities, non-profit organizations and individuals who are helping to improve the well-being of people and the planet.