What is Sustainable Procurement (SP)?
Here is the the four-part definition:
“Sustainable Procurement” ensures that buyers…
…obtain the best value for money, when purchasing…
(i.e., highest overall weighted score in the bid appraisal)
… the most sustainable goods and services…
(i.e., products that have the best environmental and social performance and content attributes)
…from the most sustainable suppliers, in support of…
(i.e. suppliers that have the best impacts on the environment, their employees, and their communities, directly or indirectly)
…the organization’s stated purpose and strategic goals.
(1.e., the organization cares about its impacts on people and the planet, and accepts mutual accountability for indirect impacts by its supply chains.
As outlined in the white paper, “7 Bold Strokes to Save Our World,” sustainable procurement (Bold Stroke #3) may be the most underused and powerful market force that could accelerate us toward a resilient, sustainable socio-economic system.
SP Business Case
A cost-benefit analysis tool that can be used to justify implementing a sustainable procurement system.
Sustainable Procurement
Contains templates and tools that help implement critical aspects of a sustainable procurement system.
Net-Zero Procurement
Net-Zero Procurement is a focused subset of sustainable procurement. It can be used to quick-start sustainable procurement by focusing on climate-related specifications for goods and services, and suppliers’ commitment to net-zero targets performance, rather than the overall sustainability attributes.
Sustainable procurement slides (New!)
As of September 2022, a Master – Sustainable Procurement slide set has been added to the slide decks available to Master Slide Decks subscribers. It includes an overview of Sustainable Procurement and Net-Zero Procurement tools and resources.