3 Versions of Performance Dashboards for 21st Century Companies
Suppose a company decides to use a 21st century business model, as shown above and described in my last blog. Then, suppose someone asks, "How's it going?" To answer the question comprehensively, wouldn't it be nice to invite the questioner into a control room where the business model is the centerpiece, surrounded by company performance indicators? The company's direct and indirect impacts on key stakeholders ‒ employees, the environment, society-at-large, communities and customers ‒ would be quantified and connected to where and how those impacts occur in the company's business model. The resulting dashboard would provide a decision-ready overview of company financial and non-financial performance.
To illustrate this suggestion, a generic version of the dashboard template is shown above. Now, let's take a look at how the dashboard might look if non-financial performance were assessed using three different sustainability frameworks: the Future-Fit Business Benchmark (FFBB), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Integrated Reporting <IR> Capitals. Read More