Project-Level Business Case


“Senior leaders and decision-makers in business need to see a rigorous cost-benefit analysis, and a projected payback period with return on investment, before approving any major capital investment – and this includes sustainability initiatives. The “Sustainability ROI Workbook” frames the business case for environmental and social initiatives. It is a useful tool that provides key metrics for use in decision-making and helps to demonstrate how sustainability initiatives help businesses create financial value.”
Gordon Beal, Vice President – Research, Guidance and Support, Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada)


The Sustainability ROI Workbook (SRW): Building Compelling Business Cases for Sustainability Initiatives is a “book” cleverly disguised as an Excel workbook. It is a tool that helps build a business case for any sustainability-related project. Explanatory text and graphics are integrated into the Excel worksheets and in pop-up, just-in-time comments that provide guidance on how to fill in fields that require user input. The comprehensive, fill-in-the-blanks Excel workbook is the book.


When seeking Chief Financial Officer (CFO) approval for a sustainability-related project, proponents need to ensure that their proposal includes information required in any capital expenditure (CAPEX) request. So, the workbook includes the traditional return on investment (ROI) financial analysis of costs and benefits ― hence, its title. Plus, it includes a Project Appraisal Tool that helps CFOs make better-informed resource allocation decisions in the more turbulent 21st century business environment.

Sustainability champion-friendly

The workbook helps users identify, quantify and monetize all potential business benefits that may arise from a sustainability project.

  • Superset of potential benefits: Users are prompted to estimate how their project directly or indirectly contributes to over 25 possible benefits for sustainability projects.
  • Comprehensive guidance on quantifying and monetizing potential benefits: Dozens of just-in-time, pop-up comments provide examples of direct and indirect benefits that other companies have reaped from similar projects, to help users monetize estimates of possible improvements.
  • Flexible sustainability goals: Users can use whatever ESG framework they prefer when assessing how the initiative improves company progress toward its sustainability-related goals.
  • Automatic ROI calculations: The workbook automatically does the return on investment (ROI) calculations for the project: its payback period, the internal rate of return (IRR), and the net present value (NPV) of its future cash flows.
  • Includes risks of not doing the project: In addition to quantifying potential risks associated with doing the project, the workbook monetizes over 25 potential risks of not doing the project.

Free, open-source resource 

To expedite its use by the global legions of sustainability champions, SRW  is a self-published, free, open-source resource. Users are encouraged to create tailored versions for specific sectors, users, other technology platforms, other languages, etc. To access the workbook, click the blue “Download the ROI Workbook” button.  You can do this an unlimited number of times.

Note: The 6th edition of the workbook (SRW 6.0) was published in April 2019 and updated again in June 2019. It obsoletes and replaces previous editions and has several usability improvements.

Companion free, open-source tools 

Climate Change Adaptation ROI Workbook: Climate change is the most urgent threat facing humankind and the business community. This workbook helps justify taking immediate mitigation and adaptation action. This free, open-source Excel workbook is a slimmed-down, reformatted SRW. It has a climate change-focused Introduction and drops the Conclusion and four Appendix worksheets in the full SRW , above. The comments in this version are tailored for climate change-related projects.

Help Videos for the Sustainability ROI Workbook (SRW): These help videos enable users to quickly orient themselves to the SRW. They illustrate how to use it to build a compelling business case for a sample sustainability initiative: a retrofit of your company’s headquarters building to make it a LEED Gold green building. Use the videos selectively, or watch the whole series in the YouTube playlist.

 SRW v6 – Help Videos Example: This workbook shows how the calculation worksheets in the SRW would look after being filled for the green building retrofit project used in the above Help Videos.

Sustainability ROI Workbook LinkedIn group: This group is for anyone interested in engaging with others to exchange ideas on how to use and leverage SRW  to legitimize integrated thinking and integrated decision-making in the C-suite.

Plus, as a reminder, the Master – Sustainability Business Cases slide set is one of six slide decks available to Master Slide Decks subscribers. It includes an overview of the project-level business case and backup on the potential opportunities and risks associated with sustainability-related initiatives. The deck is updated quarterly.